
2022-03-16  by:CAE仿真在線  來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)

1.GPU加速計算的硬件要求( Requirements for the GPU Accelerator in Mechanical APDL)
Your system must meet the following requirements to use the GPU accelerator capability in Mechanical
APDL. For information on the most recently tested NVIDIA GPU cards, see the GPU Accelerator Capabilities PDF on the Platform Support section of the ANSYS Website.
? The machine(s) being used for the simulation must contain at least one NVIDIA GPU card. The following

先死了這條心:目前的所有的rtx 1050,2060,3070,特別是筆記本laptop的都不能用于cae加速計算。

cards are recommended:

NVIDIA Tesla Series (any model) 理論上,這些不管老舊都可以
NVIDIA Quadro RTX 6000
NVIDIA Quadro RTX 8000
NVIDIA Quadro GV100
NVIDIA Quadro GP100
NVIDIA Quadro P6000
NVIDIA Quadro P5000

? When using the sparse solver or eigensolvers based on the sparse direct solver (for example, Block
Lanczos or subspace), only NVIDIA GPU devices with significant double precision performance (FP64)
are recommended in order to achieve optimal performance. These include the following models:
NVIDIA Tesla Series P100
NVIDIA Tesla Series V100
NVIDIA Quadro GV100
NVIDIA Quadro GP100


? NVIDIA GPU devices with at least 16GB of on-card memory are recommended in order to achieve

meaningful acceleration for most simulations in which the GPU card can be used. 

? For NVIDIA GPU cards, the driver version must be 451.82 or newer. For optimal performance on

Windows, the TCC (Tesla Compute Cluster) driver mode is recommended when using Tesla series
GPU cards. Some limitations exist when using this driver mode. Check your GPU card documentation

for more details on how to set this driver mode and the existing limitations. 

? To utilize a NVIDIA GPU device that is not on the recommended list of cards, set the following environment variable:

This is most beneficial when you wish to run on newer NVIDIA GPUs that were not available at the
time of release of this version of the ANSYS program. If you choose to use this environment variable, Release Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential
information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 8
Installation Prerequisites for Windows
you should ensure that the NVIDIA GPU device that you wish to use is sufficiently powerful, in terms
of both double-precision compute power and on-card memory, to achieve meaningful acceleration
for your simulation. Using this environment variable with an underpowered CPU may actually decelerate your simulation.
On Windows, the use of Remote Desktop may disable the use of a GPU device. Launching
Mechanical APDL through the ANSYS Remote Solve Manager (RSM) when RSM is installed
as a service may also disable the use of a GPU. In these two scenarios, the GPU accelerator
capability cannot be used. Using the TCC (Tesla Compute Cluster) driver mode, if applicable, can circumvent this restriction.
1.5. Additional Hardware and Software Requirements

? Intel 64 / AMD64 system with the correct operating system version installed

? 8 GB of RAM (Minimum)

? 128 GB free on the hard drive is recommended

? When using ANSYS SPEOS, we recommend: 32 GB of RAM per node, Intel Xeon processors with a
high frequency at normal rate and 250 GB of SSD disk space.
? A current default web browser must be installed to view the ANSYS internet-based help documentation. For a complete list of supported browsers, see the Browser Support PDF on the Platform Support
section of the ANSYS Website. For a local copy of the product documentation on your system, download an installable version from
the ANSYS Download Center. Instructions for installing the Local Help are included with the download
? Discrete graphics card with the latest drivers and compatible with the supported operating systems. For full functionality, use of a recent NVIDIA Quadro or AMD FirePro card with at least 1 GB of discrete
video memory and supporting OpenGL version 4.5 or above. Intel Iris Pro Integrated graphics has
also been used successfully. For information on the most recently tested graphics cards, see the Graphics Cards Tested PDF on
the Platform Support section of the ANSYS Website. For ANSYS Discovery, see Product Installation
– Vendor Legacy Support: To be compatible, legacy GL 4.5 compliant cards
should still be within the official legacy support period of their respective
graphics vendor, and must still be receiving regular driver updates. Visit the
vendor websites (AMD and NVIDIA) to review legacy hardware lists. 9 Release Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential
information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Additional Hardware and Software Requirements

? A minimum screen resolution of: 1024 x 768 (4:3 aspect ratio), 1366 x 768 (16:9 aspect ratio) or 1280
x 800 (16:10 aspect ratio) with minimum 24 bit color. A higher screen resolution such as 1920x1080
(16:9) or 1920x1200 (16:10) is strongly recommended for most applications. Note:
– Some combinations of graphics card type, operating system, and MPEG resolution
fail to play MPEGs properly. You may be able to get normal playback results simply
by changing the MPEG settings. Alternatively, you can upgrade your graphics card. – Ultra High Definition (4K) Graphics Cards: Use of Ultra High Definition (4K)
graphics cards may cause a number of cosmetic display issues (including enlarged
or reduced text and incorrect positioning of option labels). These issues do not affect
the functionality of the installation program.

? Microsoft Mouse or a mouse. Most applications require a three-button mouse.
? If you use a 3Dconnexion product, ensure that you have the latest version of the drivers installed.
? Approximately twice as much swap space as memory. The amount of memory swap space on the
system may limit the size of the ANSYS model that can be created and/or solved.
? TCP/IP for the license manager (see the ANSYS Licensing Guide for more information on TCP/IP).
Although TCP/IP is included as part of the operating system, it may not be installed by default. When
TCP/IP is installed, it must be bound to a network adapter. On machines that are connected to an
internal network, TCP/IP must be bound to a network card such as an Ethernet adapter. The vast
majority of systems using TCP/IP will fall into this category. On machines that connect to the internet
or corporate intranet through a modem, TCP/IP can be bound to the Remote Access Service. Also,
the Autodial option of the Internet Options must be disabled so that the machine does not attempt
to connect to the Internet every time ANSYS is run. See the ANSYS Licensing Guide for more information.

? Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 11 or greater is recommended for proper operation of ANSYS Workbench. Once the correct version of IE is installed, it does not have to be your default Internet browser. After installation, simply run your preferred browser and reestablish it as the default.

? PDF reader software is required to read the installation guides and other user documentation.
To access our help system videos, ANSYS recommends that you set Windows Media Player as your


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