
2016-11-15  by:CAE仿真在線  來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)


For any given problem with the consistency option off, i.e., CONST=2, slight differences in results are seen when running the same job multiple times with the same number of processors and also when varying the number of processors. Comparisons of nodal accelerations often show wide discrepancies; however, it is worth noting that the results of accelerometers often show insignificant variations due to the smoothing effect of the accelerometers which are generally attached to nodal rigid bodies. The accuracy issues are not new and are inherent in numerical simulations of automotive crash and impact problems where structural bifurcations under compressive loads are common. This problem can be easily demonstrated by using a perfectly square thin-walled tubular beam of uniform cross section under a compressive load. Typically, every run on one processor that includes a minor input change (i.e., element or hourglass formulation) will produces dramatically different results in terms of the final shape, and, likewise, if the same problem is again run on a different brand of computer. If the same problem is run on multiple processors the results can vary dramatically from run to run WITH NO INPUT CHANGE. The problem here is due to the randomness of numerical round-off which acts as a trigger in a “perfect” beam. Since summations with (CONST=2) occur in a different order from run to run, the round-off is also random. The consistency flag,CONST=1, provides for identical results (or nearly so) whether one, two, or more processors are used while running in the shared memory parallel (SMP) mode. This is done by requiring that all contributions to global vectors be summed in a precise order independently of the number of processors used. When checking for consistent results,nodal displacements or element stresses should be compared. The NODOUT and ELOUT files should be digit to digit identical. However, the GLSTAT, SECFORC, and
many of the other ASCII files will not be identical since the quantities in these files are
summed in parallel for efficiency reasons and the ordering of summation operations are not enforced. The biggest drawback of this option is the CPU cost penalty which is at least 15 percent if PARA=0 and is much less if PARA=1 and 2 or more processors are used. Unless the PARA flag is on (for non-vector processors), parallel scaling is
adversely affected. The consistency flag does not apply to MPP parallel.



相關標簽搜索:關于在SMP模式下同樣的輸入文件每次提交計算結果不同問題的說明 ls-dyna有限元分析培訓 ls-dyna培訓課程 ls-dyna分析 ls-dyna視頻教程 ls-dyna技術學習教程 ls-dyna軟件教程 ls-dyna資料下載 ansys lsdyna培訓 lsdyna代做 lsdyna基礎知識 Fluent、CFX流體分析 HFSS電磁分析 

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